Wednesday, October 14, 2009

That uneasy feeling

You know that uneasy, gut feeling you have about a situation. You can read between the lines, sense that something is not quite right?? Well that is the feeling most of us at my work had been having the last couple of days...speculating about things especially if any of us will have a job come Friday. Well that realization came true today!!

All 11 of us recruiters had a 'team meeting' and where told that as of Friday our positions no longer existed. They where closing our office/section of the company!!

WOW! I have been fortunate to never be unemployed, this is a whole new experience for me. As much I disliked my job and was looking and applying for other opportunities, I think the fact that I know I don't have anything else lined up is what makes me the saddest. I have had many long talks with a now past co-worker Gretchen about nice it would be to stay home with Chloee, etc. Now that it is here....I am scared and not sure I really want this! I know it will be ok, we will make it, but some little part of me for some reason feels like I failed at my job, which is NOT the case at all. It was a business/financial decision and reading between those lines, I completely understand why they had to do this.

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