Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where has time gone?

WOW~ my last post was in April?!?!?? Doesn't seem possible.

I would like to say that not much has been happening, but I know that is not the case. Now I have to think about things that have happened in the last 3 months to write about.

Been going monthly to the doctor for appointments. Everything is good. Finally gained some weight last month, I was not concerned and neither was my doctor, really. I hardly get to sit down with a 3 year old wanting this and that the minute I do sit down. It is exhausting, I can only imagine what it will be like with 2 children! This heat & humidity is exhausting as well!

Chloee will get to go to pre-school in August. We got her signed up at the Christian Pre-School. They only go 2 days a week from 8:30am-11:00am. The Elementary Pre-School goes every single day and I thought that was a bit much to suddenly charge Chloee's daily schedule. Although the Christian school charges monthly and the Elementary is free.

We are in the process of re-financing the house. This time with DHCU. With me only working part time the nice cushion of $$ is not there like it used to be. And this is one way which we can save some $ each month.

45 days ago, I said good-bye to my green Malibu :( It was a bitter/sweet deal. That car was my baby!! But when it decided to NOT start one super HOT afternoon when I had Chloee with me, Will said it was time to get something else. It was the ingination switch again, so I new how to re-set it, but sitting for 30 mins was not fun. A new car payment is not fun either, which we just made our first one. More money each month gone. Chloee screamed and cried when we left the Malibu at the dealership.....I kid you not!! She got in the back seat and was not coming out, she did not want to take the new car home, only the green one. It broke my heart, and I chalked it up to her being tired and having a change. Now is is ok with it....sometimes she will still ask, "Are we keeping this car forever?" :D

My job is going well. However, since the state of IL is broke, the County is broke, which means there has been talk about cut backs & lay offs :( NOT GOOD since I would be one of the first to go being part time. Keeping hoping they come up with a different idea!

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