Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dr Appointment Update

Today was my doctor appointment to check my moles & freckles that have sprung up. After waiting for almost 1 hr for the nurse to come into the waiting room, which drives me completely crazy....the outcome is clear! She explained what I should be looking for as well as what she will be looking for. It was good to finally have them looked at, as many of them I noticed had popped up since my last pregnancy. She did not see any that needed a second opinion or any that would need to be burned off, etc. less thing to worry about in the back of my mind!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Resolution for the New Year

I realize that I may be a little behind the ball regarding my New Year's Resolution, however this is one that will knock your socks off!! I have decided that when people give me a gift, or I buy items from, lets say Tastefully Simple, that I will USE them ASAP. Or very soon after purchasing them.
I am one that will 'save' things. I prefer to not use the word 'hoard' as I do eventually get around to using an item....just make be a lenghy wait. But this year I have decided that I will begin using items soon after receiving them. For instance, my mother in law gave me a soap & lotion set for Christmas....the 'old' Nicole would have put it in the bathroom closet to 'save' for a later date. Now the 'new' Nicole opened it right away and it is currently on the bathroom sink getting used.
Now you may be thinking 'why would you save things'. I have NO idea why I think of saving things for a later date. Maybe thinking I could use it when there is nothing else to use at the time?? I am really not sure, but one thing is for sure, I am notorious for doing this. This year it will all change as it should be interesting to see how well I can keep this resolution up!

Update on Mole & Freckles

I had to reschedule my appointment...due to doctor being out of town. So I actually go this coming Thursday. I seem to be a little nervous about it also. Not sure why that is. But having peace of mind that these moles/freckles check out a-ok will be worth it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Moles & Freckles

I have a ex-co-worker who made it her mission to make a doctor appointment to have her moles & freckles checked out. I 100% agree that all people should have them checked out. You never know what they could be hiding! I remember reading her long list of things she wanted to tackle & complete....this is one she had on her list that has stuck in the back of my mind. She has completed it herself awhile ago.

While I was pregnant with Averee, I had some "suspicious" things come up on my belly. Once I thought it was food....then I was like "food on my belly??" Can't be. Well, I picked off this scab, and it started bleeding. Thinking this is probably not good. I currently still have this "thing" on my belly. After mentioning outloud many times "I should call the dr and get some of these checked out" I never did.

I finally wrote it down on a post-it note over New Year's weekend and called this week. I go to the dr on the 13th to have my moles & freckles looked at. I am crossing my fingers that I have not let any of them go to far.

The Holidays

We survived the Holidays, however I keep thinking to myself "Where did they go?" Seemed like when we put all the Christmas decorations up, Christmas was so far away still. Then it came and went in a blink of an eye. As did New Years one week later.

I had the video camera all charged for Christmas morning, and when Chloee got up, she was crabby. Finally got it out of her that she was wanting MORE presents from Santa. Really?!?? So that made me sad, and I forgot to get the video camera off the table. I will more than likely kick myself next year, but I have been telling myself I should have just remembered and grabbed taping Chloee even if she was crabby.