Friday, December 11, 2009
The Blind Side
I went to the movies on Thursday night with my mom and 2 other ladies and saw the movie The Blind Side, with Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw and Quinton Aaron. All I can say is "WOW"! I think it is truly inspiring and what a difference makes to just one person that you may not even know. It defiantly shows the relationship with Sandra Bullock as the mother/wife of a very well to do high class family and Quinton Aaron who plays an African American from the projects who all he wants to do is get an education and better himself. It is an all around awesome movie!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Disney On Ice

Yesterday, Saturday, we went to see Disney On Ice The Princess Classics and it was a surprise for Chloee as we did not tell her we where going. She has been seeing the commericals on TV forever and making comments about how she would like to see the Princesses. We had excellent seats in section 104, row 9 at the iWireless Center in Moline IL. I have to agree, it was pretty cool!! Those skaters are something else.
The crown that Chloee is wearing cost a whopping $10.00 and you got cotton candy with it!! Chloee had ever had cotton candy before, and she ate sooo much I was afraid that she was going to get sick, however she did not, but complained that her belly hurt all night. I think I should count my lucky stars that she did not get sick!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Family Night & Lights
Last night we had a family night out. Will and I where going to go to US Cellular since they where advertising 'free phones'. We get to the store and there is a line and wait for approx 1 hr!! This sale of free phones has been going on since Black Friday, and I figured that most people would have already been to the store...not the case! So during our wait, we went to Pizza Hut and had dinner. Chloee only ate 1 breadstick and said she was full! I have no idea what her eating habits are lately, other than chocolate at 9AM. NO she does not get it, however she asks everymoring if she can have some.
We get back to US Cellular with new phones in mind, get them and pretty much get out with in 30 mins! Not bad at all.
Our next stop was Eagle Point Park in Clinton IA to see the Symphony of Lights. They decorate the park with a large amount of Christmas lights and have different themes. Here is a link to the site . There are so many lights and displays to see, that I was overwhelmed at everything, and Chloee was excited to see all the lights.
Today, I think we are headed out to do some Christmas shopping....all 3 of us together!
We get back to US Cellular with new phones in mind, get them and pretty much get out with in 30 mins! Not bad at all.
Our next stop was Eagle Point Park in Clinton IA to see the Symphony of Lights. They decorate the park with a large amount of Christmas lights and have different themes. Here is a link to the site . There are so many lights and displays to see, that I was overwhelmed at everything, and Chloee was excited to see all the lights.
Today, I think we are headed out to do some Christmas shopping....all 3 of us together!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Dinner Guests
Now as Chloee is growing and her little mind keeps on going, every night at dinner time, we have to shift places, chairs, plates, etc to accomodate 'guests' that Chloee brings to the table. Currently we have Winnie the Pooh and her new baby doll from her birthday that each have to have their own chairs. Chloee ususally has to sit by her baby doll, as she has to feed it before she even eats, carrying on a conversation with her doll or Will and I. It can get a little crazy moving everyone around just to eat!
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Big 3

Chloee turned 3 years old yesterday, Sunday the 15th. She shares a birthday with her Grandpa (my Dad) I am not going to lie, it makes me sad that she is 3 already. Time sure has flown by. We had a small party, with just family and she made out like a bandchee with gifts! Almost everything was Disney Princess related. She is getting so big and so smart (especially for her age!)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Fun

I took Chloee Trick or Treating for the first time last night here in Erie. She was Cinderella! We had to layer clothing on since it was so cold and windy here. Now I think I know what my parents ment when they tried convincing my siblings and I to NOT go Trick or Treating. However I only took Chloee to a few houses, and I think she had a fun time. Will had to work, but he got to pass out candy to kids, so he did not miss out on the whole fun!! I was able to get some pictures of Chloee before we left to gather candy.....only a few since by this time she was ready to GO!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Enjoying the Fall Day

We where able to go outside and play a little in the leaves. Will raked them in a pile while Chloee enjoyed her first time jumping in the pile! It was funny to watch her, and many times she forgot to shut her mouth while Will was raking the leaves, and some leaves attached themselves to her tongue! Overall, the day was great outdoors!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Went Shopping
Today, after I took Chloee to Penny's house, I decided I wanted to do a little shopping. I went to Target which is always a disaster and I always spend lots of $$ there. Then I went to Farm & Fleet and got in just about as much trouble as Target! However I can say that Christmas shopping for Chloee is complete!!
I also bought a new phone for in the kitchen. We have been having issues pretty much since we moved in 2 1/2 yrs ago. Now we have Frontier for internet, the cordless phone is always staticky when you pick it up. I got tired of going to the bedroom to use the phone so I picked up a wall mount. As I am trying to thread the new cord through the wall hole, I found some wood splinters and they found my finger!! I have not had a splinter forever...I really almost cried it hurt so bad. After 1 hour of digging with a sterile needle I was able to get it out.
That was my day ..... :)
I also bought a new phone for in the kitchen. We have been having issues pretty much since we moved in 2 1/2 yrs ago. Now we have Frontier for internet, the cordless phone is always staticky when you pick it up. I got tired of going to the bedroom to use the phone so I picked up a wall mount. As I am trying to thread the new cord through the wall hole, I found some wood splinters and they found my finger!! I have not had a splinter forever...I really almost cried it hurt so bad. After 1 hour of digging with a sterile needle I was able to get it out.
That was my day ..... :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
That uneasy feeling
You know that uneasy, gut feeling you have about a situation. You can read between the lines, sense that something is not quite right?? Well that is the feeling most of us at my work had been having the last couple of days...speculating about things especially if any of us will have a job come Friday. Well that realization came true today!!
All 11 of us recruiters had a 'team meeting' and where told that as of Friday our positions no longer existed. They where closing our office/section of the company!!
WOW! I have been fortunate to never be unemployed, this is a whole new experience for me. As much I disliked my job and was looking and applying for other opportunities, I think the fact that I know I don't have anything else lined up is what makes me the saddest. I have had many long talks with a now past co-worker Gretchen about nice it would be to stay home with Chloee, etc. Now that it is here....I am scared and not sure I really want this! I know it will be ok, we will make it, but some little part of me for some reason feels like I failed at my job, which is NOT the case at all. It was a business/financial decision and reading between those lines, I completely understand why they had to do this.
All 11 of us recruiters had a 'team meeting' and where told that as of Friday our positions no longer existed. They where closing our office/section of the company!!
WOW! I have been fortunate to never be unemployed, this is a whole new experience for me. As much I disliked my job and was looking and applying for other opportunities, I think the fact that I know I don't have anything else lined up is what makes me the saddest. I have had many long talks with a now past co-worker Gretchen about nice it would be to stay home with Chloee, etc. Now that it is here....I am scared and not sure I really want this! I know it will be ok, we will make it, but some little part of me for some reason feels like I failed at my job, which is NOT the case at all. It was a business/financial decision and reading between those lines, I completely understand why they had to do this.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Who would have guessed.....Pork Chops?
Of all things I have attempted to get Chloee to eat at lunch and dinner, she decided last night that she loves Butterfly Pork Chops!! Really?! I have tried to get her to eat chicken, hamburger, hot dogs, soup, lunch meat sandwiches that are not from Subway. Like every night, I ask her if she wanted to try some Pork Chop and she said 'yes'. Now I am expecting her to at least put the small portion in her mouth and spit it back out telling me she does not like it, not the case this time. She just kept asking for more, so I kept giving her more!! She would not touch the rice, since I put mushrooms in it, sometimes I wonder if she really is my child!?
One thing is for sure, she inhaled the Pork Chop last night now we will see what else she might figure out she likes, besides MY chocolate!!
One thing is for sure, she inhaled the Pork Chop last night now we will see what else she might figure out she likes, besides MY chocolate!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Weekend in Florida

Chloee and I have spent the weekend in sunny, hot & humid Orlando FL! All thanks to my brothers company who was celebrating their 20 yrs of operation. Chloee and I headed to Chicago (Romeoville) on Thursday night. I had to call my brother (Ryan) out of his class at North Central (he is going for his Master's) to say that his garage door keypad was not opening. He came home and for some reason it really was not working, however I did feel bad for him missing class.
Our flight was early on Friday morning. We where up at 4:45AM, which is really no difference for me during the week anyway. Our driver came at 5:30AM and Chloee did not want to get in the car. She is a smart little bug, she wanted/needed her car seat!! I mean really?!! How do you respond to that? Ryan did get her in the car and she would not speak to me. Our flight left Chicago at 8AM and we landed in Orlando at noon(EST). Chloee did really well flying as this was her first time on a plane.
Once we arrived at the hotel (Disney's Beach & Yacht Club) Chloee wanted to swim. So we took a dip in the pool. That evening, Ryan & I attended the awards banquet and meal. Ryan received his 5 yr award and we ate a very good dinner and desert!!
Saturday after breakfast we headed to the Magic Kingdom! Spend aprox. 6 hrs there in the heat. There is just so much to see and do that I think it was very overwhelming for Chloee and with the humidity, that just wipes you out anyway. That evening Ryan and I had desert and wine at Epcot again thanks to RQA! Attempted to watch the fireworks and laser light show, and it poured rain. A few of us where lucky enough to grab a rain pouncho, and by that time it was still fun even getting wet.
Both Friday and Saturday nights we had a sitter from Kids Night Out company come to the hotel room to entertain Chloee and Sofia. Sofia's dad works with Ryan and we split the amount to have a few hours without the kids since these events where adults only.
Sunday we re-packed our bags, did a little shopping, and then it was time for us to say 'Good Bye' to FL as we headed back to the airport to catch our 4:10 flight back.
It was a super fun time, busy and exhausting. I am sure we all enjoyed our time, wished we could have stayed a little longer but a HUGE thanks goes to my brother Ryan who asked Chloee and myself to come along and be part of his companies celebration.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Family Fun in the Triangle

Today was 'Family Fun' in the Triangle sponsered by the Erie Chamber of Commerce. For $5.00 you could get 4 colors of paint, a brush and a cup of water(to clean the brush when you wanted to change colors) That is what we did this afternoon, and above is Chloee's artistic ability!! I did not even think to bring a camera or anything, however I had my phone to capture her artwork. We finished in the nick of time, because it started to rain. And with the paint being washable, I am now pretty certain that ALL artistic squares have washed away since it has been raining all afternoon :(
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Never walk when tired
I am quickly learning that even though you really want to take a nice walk, one should not do this when your child is tired!! This evening my daughter decided she wanted to take a walk, now mind you that I was actually warned by my husband that she had not had a nap, but I really wanted to get some exercise and get outside. The walk started out great.....then in a blink of an eye, it turned disasterous!! She began to half a break down and decided to lay down in the grass. When I told her "let's just go back home" she decided to run the other direction...excellent keep on walking behind her. Well, finally we needed to get home to make dinner, and that is when all heck broke loose. I had to pretty much drag her home all the while she was screaming and crying "I want my daddy!" --who was working. Half way back home she thinks I need to CARRY her!! Oh goodness...I told her 'no she could walk' and then continues the screaming and crying all while laying in the yard of a neighbor...super!! However I was not about to give in and walk back to her and pick her up, as she requested. I thought for sure, someone would have called the police, which then my husband would have to respond since that is his job, but to my surprise no one did. We finally get back home, fix dinner, eat and she was asleep by 6:45pm on the couch.....phew a much needed quite night for mom!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Took the Plunge!!
After reading a co-workers blog daily, and thinking how much fun it would be to just ramble on about anything on my mind, chest, or life....I have broken down and decided to begin my own!! I think this may be a good way to express frustration, happiness, sadness, etc that goes on with in me. I will more than likely tell stories of my daughter, husband, siblings, in-laws, co-workers and the list could go on. So I hope you enjoy reading everything I have to share!!
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